Why Pet Alert Card?
Be prepared for an emergency—Peace of mind
It’s not something we wish for you, but have you ever thought “What would happen to my pets if I was in a terrible accident?” “What if I died and no one knows my pet is home alone, possibly days on end? Who’s going to feed and take care of them?” With Pet Alert Card, we hope you can avoid such a situation.
How Pet Alert Card Work?
Simple but effective way to be responsible
- Write the name and phone number of a trusted family member or friend (designated caretaker)
- Place Pet Alert Card in your wallet
- The police or emergency personnel who will look through your wallet for identification will also find your Pet Alert Card.
- They can call your designated caretaker so your pets can be cared for immediately.
What Inspired Pet Alert Card?
Inspired by thousands of pets in Japan
This card was inspired and created after the 3.11 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami disaster. Countless pets starved to death after the evacuation because their owners were not allowed to take their beloved pets to evacuation spot and they were told by the government that they would be able to return home soon—which did not happen. We dedicate this card to all those animals who perished and people who lost their pets.
Who is the Creator of This Site?
I live in Northern California with a husband and 2 rescue dogs. I’ve always loved animals and my heart opens whenever I’m with them 🙂
Pre-Emergency To Do List
VERY VERY Important before you use Pet Alert Card
Along with using this card, it is important to do the following for your pets before the emergency occurs. After all—they are family too.
Designate a trusted family member/friend as the “caretaker” of your pets in case of emergency.
Make sure you talk to them about this card and have them agree to be the (temporary or permanently) caretaker.
Create easy to follow instruction so your caretaker can learn about your pets.
This instruction should include their favorite toys, brand of pet food, treats they eat, the things they like, things they do not like, food allergies, veterinarian information, vaccination records, medical record etc. Make sure to tell your caretaker where the instruction is located so that they can read it in case of an emergency. Better yet, you can go over it with them before anything happens. You can also email them the list beforehand!
Prepare legal documents for your pets (Optional but strongly recommended)
In the worst case scenario of your passing away, do you have a legal document made detailing what to do with your pets? LegalZoom has a very affordable “Pet Protection Agreement” (“A Pet Protection Agreement® is a simple agreement that allows you to name a pet guardian to take care of your pets, and gives you the ability to leave funds to care for your pets” -LeagalZoom.com).
In many cases, family members tend to bring pets to the local animal shelter after the death of their owner. Local animal shelters are always overcrowded. If your pets are not adopted soon, they will face euthanasia. Before it’s too late, ask your family member, or friends if they can take care of your pets permanently.
If you cannot find a permanent caretaker, research local animal rescue organizations who run programs like “Pets Guardian Program” or “Living Trust & Will” who will take your pets and make sure that they get adopted to a new forever home.